How Do You Detect Mold in the House?

Mold Inspection

Mold damage occurs when water and moisture get into your house with no way to escape, and with its highly prolific nature, it doesn’t take mold long to spread throughout your home. The mycotoxin found in some types of mold can be very dangerous to humans and wreak havoc on the structure of your home as well. There are several easy ways to detect mold in your home, and if you discover it, you can start putting into motion the process of removing the mold. Mold remediation involves an intense process and special equipment, so make sure you find a reputable and trusted mold remediation company to perform it for you. If allowed to go untreated, mold damage will cause untold problems to your family’s health and home, so you need to take care of it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Health Problems

There are many health problems associated with mold damage and one of the easiest ways to determine you have mold is if your family starts feeling sick. There are many physical manifestations that humans experience with mold, even if you don’t see the mold itself. The most common include:

  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Lingering allergy symptoms
  • Worsening asthma symptoms
  • Headache
  • Unexplained fatigue

If you experience the above health problems, you might think it is just a cold or your allergies kicking in, but it could be a sign of a serious mold problem. Try to pinpoint whether it occurs more frequently when you are at home or in a particular room. If you find that mold is the reason for your illness, getting professional mold remediation is imperative.


There are several ways that particular odors signal that you have mold damage. A musty smell, especially in the basement, could show that you have sustained water damage and mold is starting to grow. Additionally, if your heating or air conditioning units have a bad odor emanating, this could also be a sign of mold. In general, any damp or musty smell could signal trouble and the need to have mold remediation performed in your house.

House Issues

The house itself can also tell the tale of mold. Mold can appear in many forms and colors which can creep over the walls and make your family sick. For instance, if there are dark spots or fuzzy spots on the walls, this could indicate mold damage and a need for mold remediation. Likewise, slimy green or splotchy spots could also be mold. Additionally, if your wallpaper is cracked or peeling, this could be a sign of mold damage. Mold can also occur in the grout between the tiles in your bathroom or shower area.

Spotting mold in your home is the beginning of the mold remediation process. Whether you smell a strange odor or see bizarre colorings or textures on your walls, calling a professional, reputable company to do your mold remediation is the imperative next step. With their expertise, your mold team will identify the problem, strategize a solution, and put the steps into motion to eradicate your mold. Mold damage will not be able to stand up to the stellar mold remediation strategies of your reputable company.

For more info or to schedule a consultation, contact us today at 805-308-7309

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