Can You Live in a House After Fire?

Fire Damage in Camarillo, CA

Experiencing a fire in your home is a devastating event, and in addition to the trauma, you are left with many unanswered questions. With the smoke damage and fire damage you experience, you may be wondering if it is safe to inhabit your home while the fire damage restoration takes place. Once the fire is out and the fire restoration begins, the house might seem habitable to the average homeowner. However, the insidious nature of smoke causes it to creep into every area of your home, and it can cause some health problems and structural problems if left untreated.

Smoke damage

Fire restoration is important because fire damage and smoke damage are so insidious, and since you can’t always see it, the damage can wreak havoc on your health and your home if you are living in your house after a fire. Some of the places that smoke and soot can infiltrate include the following:

  • Walls
  • Ceilings
  • Vents
  • Furniture
  • HVAC systems
  • Electrical sockets

Because of the properties of the smoke itself, it is a very invasive substance. Getting a professional fire restoration company on board is the only way you can properly ensure that you can live safely in your home after fire damage.

Health effects of smoke damage

Fire damage restoration is imperative to counteract the health effects of smoke damage after you have experienced a fire in your home because areas of your home may look fine but the air may be toxic. The number one health effect of smoke damage is the influx of respiratory problems you could experience.  Your sinuses and lungs can both be affected when living in a place that has experienced a fire. In addition to breathing problems from melted PVC, tar, and carbon monoxide, the smoke and soot can irritate your skin and your eyes. People who live in their homes after a fire often have red, itchy, and watery eyes, and they often have skin irritations from rubbing against smoke-infected furniture or clothes.

How a fire restoration company can help

A fire damage restoration company is needed for several reasons if you have experienced a blaze. In addition to the smoke damage, the fire itself can cause structural damage to your home. The structural damage is more obvious, but a qualified restoration company will be able to access the smoke damage as well. Additionally, water meant to stop the fire can cause further water damage, and mold can grow in as little as 24 hours. The fire damage restoration team will utilize high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuums in order to eradicate the smoke and soot. This is so critical because if you tried to vacuum yourself you would just blow the soot all through the air.

After a fire, returning to normal as soon as possible is of paramount importance. But just because your home looks okay does not mean that it is safe for you to live in your home. Hire a reputable fire damage restoration professional to clean the air of smoke and soot damage. A qualified fire restoration company will also get the air quality tested so you know if the air quality has improved after the remediation. If you take these steps you will be able to sleep more peacefully, knowing that your health and your home will remain intact.

For more info or to schedule a consultation, contact us today at 805-308-7309

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